Principles of
the Balanced Scorecard
For More Information
Principles of the Balanced Scorecard
Course 112 – 2 Days
Principles of the Balanced Scorecard is a two-day interactive experience designed to help balanced scorecard team members contribute to their organization’s strategic management and performance improvement initiatives. It is based on the Balanced Scorecard Institute’s award winning Nine Steps to Success™ framework and thousands of hours of consulting and training experience in strategic planning and management. The emphasis is on shared participant experiences, lessons learned, best practices, applied exercises, reinforcement, and support. Participants will learn from each other and their facilitator and leave with a toolkit of proven resources. A brief, 1-day version of the course is also available.
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- Why the balanced scorecard is still one of the most powerful and effective management tools
- Basic elements and concepts of a balanced scorecard
- How scorecards are created using Balanced Scorecard Institute’s Nine Steps to Success™ methodology
- How to contribute to your team’s development of mission, vision, core values, and customer value proposition
- The basics of performance measure and target development
- How cascading scorecards to all levels in the organization can create strategic alignment
- How to engage leaders and employees in the origination’s shared direction
- How scorecards can be used to create employee accountability
This course is recommended for managers, planners, analysts, and other members of an extended balanced scorecard development team who are seeking the best practical ideas for a successful implementation, or who need a general awareness of balanced scorecard concepts so that they can provide support for their organization’s development effort. The course is highly recommended for members of Strategic Theme teams, Objective Owner/Measurement teams, and Tier 2 Cascading teams that want to improve their contribution to the planning process. The course is also ideal for any business professional who wants to keep abreast of the latest thinking in strategic planning, alignment, management, measurement, and execution.
Course Benefits
As a participant, you will benefit by learning how:
- Key concepts of the balanced scorecard work together
- A balanced scorecard can be used to improve organizational performance
- To assist in the development of strategic objectives, meaningful performance measures and targets
- To help your team successfully build a balanced scorecard system
- To anticipate challenges and prepare solutions for a more effective implementation
- To engage leaders and employees in the planning process
- Other organizations have used the balanced scorecard for continual improvement
- To summarize all elements of a balanced scorecards
- Define mission, vision, and perspectives
- Identify one strategic theme and capture any strategic results that could be tied to your theme
- Identify strategic objective candidate ideas and intended results
- Draw in cause-and-effect arrows to start the strategy map and capture any commentary
- Identify candidate initiative ideas for your strategic objective
- Summarize all elements into a balanced scorecard
Day One
- Balanced Scorecard Overview
- Basic concepts of performance management and measurement
- The Balance Scorecard Institute’s Nine Steps to Success™ framework for strategic planning and management
- Step One: Assessment
- Step Two: Strategy
- Application Exercise: Identify Perspectives, Strategic Themes, and Strategic Results
- Step Three: Strategic Objectives
- Application Exercise: Develop and refine Strategic Objectives
Day Two
- Step Four: Strategy Map
- Application Exercise: Create a Theme Strategy Map
- Step Five: Performance Measures
- Application Exercise: Develop Performance Measures
- Step Six: Strategic Initiatives
- Application Exercise: Identify candidates for Strategic Initiatives
- Step Seven: Performance Analysis
- Step Eight: Alignment
- Application Exercise: Cascade Tier 1 elements to Tier 2 and Tier 3
- Step Nine: Evaluation
- Application Exercise: Summarize all elements into a Balanced Scorecard
- Summary and Next Steps
- “The BSI Certification goes far beyond studying the theory & history of a balanced scorecard management system. This course gives individuals the tools necessary to build, implement, and manage a comprehensive tier 1-3 scorecard at their own organizations. The knowledge & skills gained are successful combination of theoretical & practical application that empower students to facilitate construction of this scorecard from the ground up” – Shella Blackburn, Manager Corporate Performance, Mission Essential Personnel.
- “The BSP Certification Boot Camp was on enriching learning experience. The case studies and peer interactions helped to turn theory into practice.” – David Branch, Director of Business Performance, Constellation Energy.
- “This course converted me from a skeptic into a believer” – Thedora Borissov, Manager, Performance and Measurement, BC Oil and Gas Commission.
- “I will be sending more of my staff to this [BSP Certification] course” –Steve Jonnes, FBI, Unit Chief – Performance Analysis Unit.
- “Best professional course I’ve ever taken! The demands are endless” — Earnest K. Kiano, Deputy Manager, Kenya Power & Lighting Company.
- “Finally, a comprehensive approach that makes sense and ties all of our tools together”, Todd Moon, Alcohol & Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau, Chief Operations Service.
- “Although we only implemented the balanced scorecard approach a couple of years ago, we have already seen improvements in our operations. The [Nine Steps to Success™] approach helps us focus on our ambitious goal to drastically increase the number of transplants we facilitate by 2015.” – Michael Boo, Chief Strategy Officer, National Marrow Donor Program.
- “Change is easy. Transition is more difficult—Balanced Scorecard Institute showed us not only how to change the organization-but more importantly how to manage the change process effectively.” Joe Cernero, Professional Development Manager, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.
- “We are very pleased with the help provided by the Institute. We are aiming for high revenue targets in a geographically diverse market, and the Institute helped us translate our strategy into something that employees can actually use.” – Laurent Auguste, President and CEO, Veolia Water Americas.
There is a $100 discount for three or more participants from the same organization. We encourage more people from the same organization to attend so that they can collaborate during the workshop.
Early Bird Special:
$50 additional discount per participant for signing up 30 days before the start of the course.