Using Dashboards to Bring Strategy Execution to Life
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Webinar: Using Dashboards to Bring Strategy Execution to Life
Recorded September 12, 2018 – Replay Available Below
Many organizations properly invest in planning but then fail at execution. They develop and communicate goals and objectives that they never achieve because they simply don’t know how to manage and share performance information or hold effective performance meetings. The transition from planning to execution gets bogged down by poor reporting practices, confusing performance visualizations, or ad hoc meeting agendas that are counterproductive to strategic performance goal achievement.
To learn more about how to effectively use dashboarding software as part of a performance management review meeting cadence, join BSI Chief Operating Officer David Wilsey and Spider Strategies Customer Experience and Training Consultant Tom Keating for a 45-minute webinar to explore:
- Why strategy execution often stalls
- How a performance management cadence can bring discipline to strategy execution
- Advantages of different strategy and performance visualizations
- A complete simulation of regularly-scheduled performance review meetings designed to drive performance action and improvement
Strategy Execution: The Performance Management Cadence
- Introduction: why strategy execution stalls
- Performance review meetings
- Advantages of different strategy and performance visualizations and how each can help facilitate strategy execution
- Step through the agenda of a regularly-scheduled performance review and examine how scorecards, dashboards, reports and a briefing book of measures and related initiatives all come together to facilitate productive meetings and drive performance action and improvement
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