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Cary, NC 27518

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Strategy Management Group Now Offering KPI Professional Certification

Strategy Management Group, in association with the George Washington University College of Professional Studies (GWU CPS), is now offering Key Performance Indicator Professional (KPIP) certification. This comprehensive program is designed for leaders, managers or analysts who want to learn to build, deploy and sustain KPIs to improve organizational strategic or operational..

BSI Expands Offerings to Include Strategic Thinking and Strategic Management

The Balanced Scorecard Institute (BSI) announced it is expanding its worldwide offerings to include a Strategic Management Performance System (SMPS) Certification Program, as well as an innovative one-day strategic thinking offering. Offered under BSI’s parent company brand, Strategy Management Group (SMG), the new offerings are designed to help organizations around…

Rave Reviews Provided for Balanced Scorecard Institute’s Key Performance Indicators Professional Certification

The premiere graduating class of the Balanced Scorecard Institute’s Key Performance Indicators Professional (KPIP) certification course provided rave reviews about their learning experience. The class included U.S. and international participants from business (pharmaceutical, energy, insurance) and government (local and international).

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