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Rave Reviews Provided for Balanced Scorecard Institute’s Key Performance Indicators Professional Certification

The premiere graduating class of the Balanced Scorecard Institute’s Key Performance Indicators Professional (KPIP) certification course provided rave reviews about their learning experience. The class included U.S. and international participants from business (pharmaceutical, energy, insurance) and government (local and international).

Riyadh Chamber of Commerce & Industry to Receive First-Ever Balanced Scorecard Institute Bootcamp Certification Training in Arabic in Saudi Arabia

Balanced Scorecard Arabia (Progress Consulting), a Balanced Scorecard Institute Global Partner operating from Saudi Arabia, will provide the first-ever Balanced Scorecard Professional Certification Training (BSP) in Arabic in Saudi Arabia to the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce & Industry (RCCI) members and employees.

Balanced Scorecard Institute and Spider Strategies Conclude Second Annual Strategy Execution Summit

The Balanced Scorecard Institute (BSI) and its partner, Spider Strategies, finished its second annual Summit (May 19-21, 2015) on executing strategy using the Balanced Scorecard Institute’s Nine Steps to Success™ and QuickScore™. More than 50 participants including representatives from a dozen countries attended the conference to learn from industry…

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