Welcome to our latest new tool to help you prepare and pass the PMI PMP® or CAPM® exam. Our new 2000 question database will help you prepare to pass the exam on your first try. After using this complete study tool you will ready to pass your exam on the first attempt.
You get the 2000 question database that will select a nearly unlimited amount of different exams for you to practice with.
Users can take as many exams as they want from our online simulation tool in the first 90 days.
The Exam simulator is designed to provide candidates with an opportunity to confirm their readiness for the PMP® Exam. The test has been formulated using the same sources and methodology that PMI® uses in developing the actual PMP® Exam. Upon completion of the PMP® Question Prep Exam, the PMP® candidate will receive a detailed report analyzing their performance and indicating areas in which additional work is required. This simulator is based on the PMBOK® Guide – Sixth [6th] Edition.
In addition, you will get the following tools to help you achieve your desired results:
- Simulated PMP Exam’s 8 different models to choose from
- 90 Days Access
- Access to 2000 Questions (old version was 800 questions)
- FlashCards (500)
- Dictionary (600) NEW
- PM Experience Calculator NEW
- 160 Hours Pass Plan NEW
- Practice Chapter by Chapter NEW
- Model Exam Generator* NEW
- Special Study Notes NEW
- Practice by knowledge area NEW
- Superior reporting information NEW
Note: You will be emailed login credentials within 1 business day.
PMP Exam success depends on how many practical scenario based questions you practice. The more questions you practice the more you will be able to relate to the real exam.
- Preparing for PMP Exam?
- Hungry for more PMP Questions and Answer?
- Want to have a perfect preparation for PMP?
- Want to practice knowledge area wise?
TSI is presenting the Practice Q & A module for you! Here you will find 2000+ High-Quality real-time PMP Questions and Answer to practice.
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